Fragility of the world, human vulnerability. The “care of the world and the art of living together”


  • José Carvajal Sánchez


ethics, ecology, environment, education, life.


Two major problems, the human vulnerability and the fragility of the world, are articulated to rethink the great mutations that the present civilization experiences and what is at stake in this evolution of contemporary societies. From the global thinking posed by Edgar Morin’s theory of complexity and Emmanuel Lévinas’s questioning of the Western ontology on which a certain conception of the human and of society is based, some approaches of the so-called Ethics of the Care of Pelluchon and Leonardo and the contributions of the deep ecology of Leopold. All these contributions are contrasted and placed in the desideratum of what should provide an education that teaches “caring for the world and the art of living together”. The reflection investigates, among other things, the conditions of an education capable of training the new citizens in the skills of care and respect for life, and the ability to integrate into a planetary community without losing sight of the values of local cultures.


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How to Cite

Carvajal Sánchez, J. (2016). Fragility of the world, human vulnerability. The “care of the world and the art of living together”. Educación Y Territorio, 6(10), 77–88. Retrieved from



Reflection papers