Didactic proposal for the development of science skills in sixth grade students


  • Lyda Jazmín Hernández Fajardo
  • Clara Enith Mancipe Quiroga


scientific ability, experimentation, didactic strategy, education, scientific thinking.


This article reports on the advances of the research project “Didactic Proposal for the Development of Scientific Skills in Sixth Grade Students”, through the application of didactic strategies that include field trips, environmental projects, production of material for the Learning and experimentation. The purpose is to demonstrate how students are able to enhance scientific skills in formulating questions, explaining phenomena, identifying variables, collecting and interpreting data and using proper language of the Natural Sciences to facilitate the appropriation of knowledge in the area of Natural Sciences, awakening scientific spirit and promoting the understanding of natural phenomena. The methodological perspective used was an adaptation of the method of Kurt Lewin in which three stages of social change are managed: thawing, movement and refreezing. An additional stage called pre-movement was included, as a complement to the process. These stages were carried out in seven moments: diagnosis, background check, exploration, design of the didactic proposal, and implementation of the proposal, systematization and analysis of results. The project shows that, when implementing didactic strategies that allow the creation of spaces for the conscious application of knowledge in a contextualized way, in contact with the object of study, with fieldwork in search of knowledge and practical usefulness that young people find in Scientific theory, they generate that the children develop scientific abilities that favor diverse cognitive processes and the construction of mental structures that awaken the students interest for learning.


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How to Cite

Hernández Fajardo, L. J., & Mancipe Quiroga, C. E. (2016). Didactic proposal for the development of science skills in sixth grade students. Educación Y Territorio, 6(10), 101–124. Retrieved from https://revista.jdc.edu.co/reyte/article/view/89



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