


aversion; conditioning, lithium Chloride; Social learning


Ruminants have a highly developed gregarious behavior. This behavior is one of the factors that weight on learning of diets, along with experience with food (conditioning). The dynamics of grazing group determines a set of rules to follow when feeding, younger animals tend to follow the older, and these guide them to the best pastures. In turn, within the categories of equal rank learning diet is given by social pressure. Meanwhile conditioning is based on the consequences after consumption of food. In this paper we approach the associative learning of ruminant diets individually (conditioned aversion) and group (transmission constraints) in order to apply it to consumption of toxic plants. This requires a review of the use of lithium chloride associated with toxic foods to avoid consumption, and then review what is known about the social transmission constraints in ruminants. Although much research is needed, to know both tools can be very useful for handling ruminant farms where food can be toxic.


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Author Biography


Licenciado en Psicología, Estudiante Ph.D. Área de Biofísica Facultad de Veterinaria
Instituto de Fundamentos y Métodos en Psicología Facultad de Psicología
Universidad de la República Uruguay


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How to Cite

RUIZ SANTOS, P. (2014). ¿HOW TO AVOID TOXIC PLANTS CONSUMPTION IN RUMINANTS? CONDITIONING AVERSION AND GROUP MANAGEMENT AS TOOLS. Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, 4(2), 45–57. Retrieved from https://revista.jdc.edu.co/conexagro/article/view/208



Ciencias Veterinarias