Diversity and phenological expression of epiphytic species in the municipality of puerto lleras, meta


  • Winston Wilches Álvarez Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


bryophytes, bromeliads, reproductive structures, lichens, orchids


The phenological expression of epiphytic flora species was monitored on the vegetation cover of Clean Pastures (Cp), Wooded Pastures (Wp), Dense High Flood Forest (Dhff), Gallery Forest and/or Riparian (Gb) - Morichal (M), Secondary High Vegetation (Shv) and Secondary Low Vegetation (Slv), existing in the area of influence of the Plataforma Multipozo Godric Norte 1 project, in the village of Chafurray in the municipality of Puerto Lleras, department of Meta. The main objective was to establish the periods of phenological expression (reproductive structures) and the variation in abundance of the epiphytic species evaluated. For this purpose, four monitoring sessions were carried out, distributed between the months of August and December 2017, and February and June 2018, coinciding with the periods of hydric deficit and increased rainfall. Concerning the variation in abundances, the mortality of an individual of Aechmea angustifolia and two individuals of Aechmea penduliflora André was identified during periods of low rainfall. Regarding phenological expression, fructification and inflorescence were observed for the species Bromelia cf balansae Mez and Aechmea penduliflora André, in the periods with greater precipitation, which indicates that the diversity and abundance of epiphytes respond to the structure of the forest and the availability of water.


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Author Biography

Winston Wilches Álvarez, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Biólogo y candidato a M. Sc. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Biólogo Contratista


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How to Cite

Wilches Álvarez, W. (2017). Diversity and phenological expression of epiphytic species in the municipality of puerto lleras, meta. Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, 7(2), 31–41. Retrieved from https://revista.jdc.edu.co/conexagro/article/view/604



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