Disciplinary law, lawyers, legal asset, victims.Abstract
The disciplinary law in our country, in its quest for autonomy and independence, has limited the intervention of the victims or harmed under the dogmatic premise that in it a breach of duties is presented and not a rights injury. This way it is discard that the aforementioned discipline protect legal rights, position that while is shared by a sector of the doctrine, jurisprudence and judicial practice requires, in our view, to be reviewed, particularly in the processes whose disciplinable subjects are lawyers in the exercise of their profession. In this sense, it is considered that the protection of legal rights is not an exclusive and excluding work of criminal law, nor can arise randomly only on breaches of international law of human rights or international humanitarian law. The task addressed refers, first, to study the prevailing dogma in our country, on which the exclusion of the victim is based on the disciplinary process under the Law 1123 of 2007, reflection that invites to analyze the object of protection of disciplinary law, to identify the role of victims in it, and reveal how to address in the procedural reality, their participation in that process; budgets exist for concluding that assume the object of protection of disciplinary law in lawyers is spent by the functional duty as an empty legal abstraction that serves no legal right, it is to ignore the origin, content and purpose of the breaches of professional duties , enshrined by the same Government to control that professional activity.
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