
  • Victoria Vázquez Verdera


education, ethic of care, ecological cosmopolitanism


Reflective paper that presents results of research conducted from the perspective of the ethic of care. To board the issue of what do educational organizations do when they care; a methodology for critical-hermeneutic character is followed. Different texts are selected and interpreted with the intention to argue a speech that is considered not univocal. It draws on original sources to address the topic of how to put into action the philosophy of care education. Challenges arise as the need to: (1) seek collaboration in interpersonal and institutional relations, (2) include plural perspectives to build a public speech that doesn´t obscure the diversity of human experience, and (3) analyze critically and honest our daily practices so as not to legitimize the use of violence. Ways to promote the development from the perspective of the ethic of care and concludes by identifying the key elements of this educational perspective are presented.


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Author Biography

Victoria Vázquez Verdera

1Ph.D. en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación. 
Docente Investigadora del Departamento de Teoría de la Educación de la Universidad de Valencia (España). 


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How to Cite

Vázquez Verdera, V. (2014). EDUCATION FOR CARE AND SUSTAINABLE LIFE. Educación Y Territorio, 4(1), 70–81. Retrieved from



Reflection papers