
  • Nayllira de Lourdes Agurto Yunis
  • Nemecio Núñez Rojas
  • Yianina Nataly Villar Oviedo


inclusive education, educational policies


This research aim is based on the educational policymaking within the framework of Inclusive Education in Peru. A diagnostic study was done in two Basic Education Institutions from Chiclayo (Peru) located on the north of the country. The sample population was composed of 58 people among teachers and management staff of both institutions. The research instruments were: surveys, interviews, document analysis sheet and observation guide. Results allowed to set need priorities, define challenges, make institutional education policies along with goals and objectives. Besides, they showed that both institutions coped with some needs and challenges like: 1. Implement the inclusive education in management documents. 2. Have teachers trained in inclusive education. 3. Respond to the required standards of infrastructure, equipment, resources and services, and 4. Engage the whole educational community in the inclusive education. Thus, despite policies and their national and international advocacy specific guidelines are required to carry on these processes and adopt institutional education policies.


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Author Biographies

Nayllira de Lourdes Agurto Yunis

Lic. en Educación Primaria. Docente-Investigadora Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo USAT

Nemecio Núñez Rojas

Ph.D. en Ciencias de la Educación. Director del Instituto de Investigación Pedagógica USAT. 
Docente-Investigador Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo USAT (Lambayeque-Perú). 

Yianina Nataly Villar Oviedo

Lic. en Educación Primaria. Docente-Investigadora Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo USAT (Lambayeque-Perú). 


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How to Cite

Agurto Yunis, N. de L., Núñez Rojas, N., & Villar Oviedo, Y. N. (2013). EDUCATION POLICIES TO IMPLEMENT THE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. Educación Y Territorio, 3(2), 15–29. Retrieved from



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