
  • Enrique Rodríguez Pérez


poetry, aesthetic experience, democracy, difference, reading and writing, imagination and education


Imagination and poetry forge citizens’ democratic attitude because they downplay core beliefs, structures and standpoints. Poetics ambiguity, fragility and mystery make poetry readers and writers take on a more active and sincere way of behaving in the world, to themselves and to others. To do this, it reflects on the primary and foundational nature of the aesthetic experience and the poetic texts while reading and writing are taking place. From then on, the links between poetic dimension, reading and critic readers’ education are outlined. Finally, it is evident why school is one of the most promising settings to make poetry readers –immersed in world textuality- be democratically committed to respect differences.


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Author Biography

Enrique Rodríguez Pérez

Ph.D. (c) en Estudios Hispanoamericanos Universidad François Rabelais de Tours Francia; Magíster en Filosofía.
Docente-Investigador Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Literatura.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pérez, E. (2012). AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE, POETIC TEXTS READING AND CRITIC READER’S EDUCATION. Educación Y Territorio, 2(2), 41–71. Retrieved from



Reflection papers