Folk dance, Social values, Pedagogical practice, Context, CultureAbstract
The reaffirmation of social identity is addressed from the strengthening of social values in a group of schoolchildren of 7 years in the municipality of Nuevo Colón, in the department of Boyacá, in a public educational institution, with the Colombian folkloric dance as pedagogical alternative from the disciplinary field of physical education. This article reports a research study developed in the located context, which aims to identify the values experienced by schoolchildren around the practice of dancing, to promote positive relationships of affection as a device for reconstructing the social community. The instruments used for the data collection were focused on video recordings, field notes and semi-structured interviews.
Around the experience, there are permanent processes of reflection and analysis, which involve attitudes and behaviors, through the interactions established in the coexistence. These processes of reflection generate the dynamics around this type of dancing, by projecting infants as actors, based on the recognition of their customs and traditions, reflected in the movements of that dance that allows expressing. The deconstruction exercises demand a deep knowledge and understanding of the structure of the practice; by facilitating the transit towards the appropriation of their meanings, in their embodiment as mediators of their culture in families, in the school and in their community.
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