Body expression as a playful tool for dance students


  • Sandra Janneth Becerra Pineda Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
  • Irma Belén Chaves García Universidad de Cundinamarca


free dance, creative dance, dance training, freedom of expression, daily movement


Education is focused on the transmission and replication of knowledge and unique truths, ignoring creativity and the countless possibilities of answers; therefore, dance training is not exempt from making the same mistakes, which revives the need to use different techniques and school contexts to explore new ways of communication and body expression such as playfulness. In the following research, the results of the pedagogical intervention are shown, which had the purpose of strengthening the corporal expression as a fun tool of students of the tenth grade of Dance Language subject, at Escuela Normal Distrital María Montessori. The design was action research in education with a qualitative approach. It began by recognizing the students’ abilities to express themselves with their bodies. Eight workshops were designed and implemented, based on the students’ experiences, emotions and feelings, to strengthen body expression and to enrich movement patterns through free dance, creativity and play. Observations were recorded in field diaries, one per workshop, and a survey of 5 closed questions was carried out to evaluate the results. It was possible to corroborate the importance of playfulness in body expression, since it encourages in students interest, willingness, creativity and freedom of expression, through a new way of turning to their feelings and emotions to express themselves bodily with security, confidence, autonomy and recognition of themselves and others.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Janneth Becerra Pineda, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Licenciada  en  Educación  Artística,  Corporación  de  Educación  Nacional CENDA.
Especialista en Lúdica Educativa, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.
Docente de Danza, Escuela Normal Superior Distrital María Montessori.

Irma Belén Chaves García, Universidad de Cundinamarca

Licenciada  en  Ciencias  de  la  Educación  con  especialidad  en  Educación Física Recreación y Deportes, Universidad de Cundinamarca.
Especialista en   Educación   y   Orientación   Sexual,   Universidad   Manuela   Beltrán. Docente de educación física, Escuela Normal Distrital María Montessori. 


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How to Cite

Becerra Pineda, S. J., & Chaves García, I. B. (2018). Body expression as a playful tool for dance students. Educación Y Territorio, 8(15), 13–34. Retrieved from



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