
  • José Francisco GARCÍA MOLANO
  • Luz Stella, Ingeniera JARAMILLO GARCÍA


floral induction, development, maturation


It was relatively easy the olive adaptation in tropical area for its evergreen and rustic condition where there were found trees with a very good development and production according to different studies that show the existence of some varieties of ancient trees located in villa de Leyva, Sáchica and Sutamarchán; however these varieties did not prosper as farming and they were abandoned. In the last ten years the olive farming has taken interest again and now there has been planted new crops through the existent material in the region, the production started three years later, for that reason it was taken the cultural, environmental, economic and scientific interest. This study aimed to know the performance of the development and trees growth planted take into account some edaphoclimatic conditions of the ‘Alto Ricaurte’. There were chosen thirty nine trees which the treatment one corresponded to olives of thirty years in production and the treatment two corresponded to three years plants which they had started their production. This plant material had been identified genetically by means of molecular analysis with a classification from one to ten considering that it did not correspond to the denomination that these varieties had in this region. The study shows that genotype four has trees at both ages, which the analysis of results was made take into account the age of this one, observing different behavior in flowering that it seems to be influenced because of climate conditions meanwhile that the planted development and growth did not show any difference in genotypes neither ages.


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Author Biographies

José Francisco GARCÍA MOLANO

Ingeniero Agrónomo, Ph.D.
Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas en Ciencias Agrarias
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Luz Stella, Ingeniera JARAMILLO GARCÍA

Ingeniera Agropecuaria, M. Sc. (c)
Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas en Ciencias Agrarias
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


 Ingeniera Agropecuaria
Grupo aof, Fundación Universidad Juan de Castellanos


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How to Cite

GARCÍA MOLANO, J. F., JARAMILLO GARCÍA, L. S. I., & RODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, M. R. (2012). FLOWERS AND OLIVE FRUITS (Olea europaea L.) GROWTH UNDER TROPIC CONDITIONS. Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, 2(2), 15–33. Retrieved from



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