
  • Carmen Eugenia Carvajal Palacios
  • Edgar Guillermo Mesa Manosalva


Teacher training, disability, educational inclusion


The research project was conducted at the University of Nariño in Pasto with undergraduate students of basic education with emphasis in Social Sciences, to care for people suffering from disabilities, this project enrolled within the qualitative paradigm with critical- social approach; it was participatory research-action, which favored the observation, interviews and workshops. 15 students of social science program and 4 teachers linked to PROFESA School, which was established as teaching and research center practice. The data analysis was performed from the categorial system resulting in the conceptualization of disability, feelings towards disability, work with parents and teacher training to look after people with disabilities. It was evident that at the University of Nariño specifically Welfare services does activities, programs and events to support the educational and social inclusion, however the forming of teachers with academic units still pending task of training on disability, inclusion and diversity. It was found that in the undergraduate program of basic education with emphasis on social sciences there is no problem-oriented core, seminar or explicit activity in the curriculum regarding disability as indicated by Decree 2082/1996, which in turn, was established in the legal and indicative benchmark of this research.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Eugenia Carvajal Palacios

Magíster en Educación, docente Universidad de Nariño.
Directora del Grupo de Investigación Edu-Multiverso.

Edgar Guillermo Mesa Manosalva

Magíster en Modelos de enseñanza problémica, 
docente Universidad de Nariño y Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos. 
Co-investigador Grupo de Investigación Edu-Multiverso.


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How to Cite

Carvajal Palacios, C. E., & Mesa Manosalva, E. G. (2014). TRAINING OF SOCIAL SCIENCE STUDENTS TO WORK WITH DISABLED POPULATION. Educación Y Territorio, 4(1), 49–59. Retrieved from



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