
  • Laurentino Lucas Campo


innovative methodologies, research, native peoples


Due to the questioning of the alleged ethical and epistemological neutrality in the exercise of scientific research, processes of reflexivity have been generated regarding research that takes as
its object of study the native peoples in Latin America. The critique of hegemonic mode of applying methodologies for knowledge of indigenous peoples has been immersed in review processes,
critical and novel approaches proposed elsewhere in where the understanding of reflective and methodological implications goal their approach to scientific research. In this paper start with allusion to the criticism of the hegemonic trend in the study of indigenous populations. Then I do a quick review of some methodological proposals such as evocative or participatory, horizontal, the doubly reflexive ethnography, auto-ethnographic, that early XXI in Mexico have been proposed to relocate and problematize both the place of the researcher and the objects of knowledge in the research process: the native peoples, especially in the educational environment. I conclude this work considering the implications, challenges and future prospects generated by these innovative methodological proposals.


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Author Biography

Laurentino Lucas Campo

Ph.D en Ciencias Sociales (Sociedad y Educación). 
MSc. en Desarrollo y Planeación de la Educación. Lic. en Sociología.
Docente-Investigador Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Puebla.


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How to Cite

Lucas Campo, L. (2014). INNOVATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY APPLIED TO THE STUDY OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. Educación Y Territorio, 4(1), 60–69. Retrieved from



Reflection papers